Thursday, August 4, 2005

Our first post...10 weeks pregnant with Alyssa

Thursday, August 04, 2005
I am officially 10 weeks pregnant today! It seems like it has taken forever to get this far, but it's also hard to believe that it has already been over three weeks since we got to see the baby's heart beating on ultrasound. I'm sure once I get into the second trimester and start feeling better, things will begin to move faster.I have been fighting some really bad morning sickness. (Whoever said it just happens in the morning was sadly mistaken!) My doctor's office is helping me get coverage from my insurance company for some really good medicine, so I hope to be feeling much better very soon! My boss (and loving husband) has officially retired me from my summer job so I can get some extra rest before I start back to school next Thursday. I'll be working as a first grade tutor this year. I'm excited because I get to work in my old classroom with my old team, but I won't have all the responsiblity and time committment of teaching. Only a few people at work know about the baby, so it will be exciting to tell everyone next week! I still have trouble believing that this baby is really here! Jeff and I are SO excited and can't wait to see him or her! My next doctor's appointment is next Thursday, and I'm hoping that we will be able to hear the heartbeat with the doppler device, although it might be too soon because of the location of the baby. We should be able to find out whether this is a he or a she in late September or early October. We will be thrilled with either one, but we are really eager to find out!!! (So far, most friends and family are guessing that he's a little boy.)

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