Saturday, August 13, 2005

State Fair

We went to the state fair today. All that's a pregnant woman's paradise! Thankfully I wasn't too sick to enjoy it thanks to my good "friend" Zofran. I made sure to eat some corn and drink some tomato juice for the baby, which of course cancelled out the junk food. :) During one of our visits to an air-conditioned building (it was SO HOT outside!), we sat next to a mom and her 5-month old baby. He was born March 10th, so he's the same age that our baby will be at next year's state fair. At one of the booths, we saw some cool pictures of babies in the womb and got a pin that has little feet that are exactly the size of our baby's feet right now. I also got a little plastic model of what the baby will look like in another week or so. Jeff thinks it looks kind of creepy, but I think it's cool! We rode the tractor train all the way around the fairgrounds so we could see everything without me losing consciousness from the heat (which nearly happened a couple of times anyway). So we had to make it a very short day, but it was a lot of fun.

It's funny how we are so constantly focused on the baby already. Wherever we go, whatever we do, we are always thinking about how we will take the baby there someday and how different it will be and how much fun it will be. I resisted the temptation several times today to go up and ask moms about how they liked the strollers they were using and how easy they were to fold and unfold. And I am so amused by the temper tantrums that little kids throw and their parents' funny reactions to them. That will be us soon! And after over a year of trying to avoid looking at pregnant women so I wouldn't start crying, now it's so fun to see all the pregnant women and wonder what I'll look like in a few months. Despite all the less than pleasant symptoms, I really am enjoying being pregnant.

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