Thursday, August 11, 2005


Today was a big day! Our doctor's appointment went great, and we got to hear our little one's heartbeat! It was the most awesome thing I have ever heard! We had heard it using the ultrasound a month ago, but we had never heard it just through my belly like that with the little machine. The heart rate was 150, which the nurse said was great. I go back to the doctor in four weeks, and then four weeks after that (October 6th) we will get our ultrasound and find out whether the baby is a boy or girl! My birthday present this year will be getting to set up our gift registries. :) I'm so excited and relieved that things went well today.Today was our big back-to-school meeting and work day, and this evening was the ice cream social where the kids come to meet their new teachers. I went so I could see all my students from last year, and it was fun. But now I'm tired after such a long day, so I had better get some rest. :)

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