Friday, August 5, 2005

Growing and growing...

Friday, August 05, 2005
Between the sickness and my cramped little bladder, I woke up every hour or so during the night last night, so I'm pretty tired today. It was so exciting to get onto the baby's website this morning and read about a new week of's the 11th week now. All the baby's organ systems are up and running, and the most complicated work of development is done. Now it's just time to get bigger and bigger! (...and bigger and bigger and...and then it's supposed to come out how?!) :) The baby is probably a little over an inch long today and will grow to about two inches by the end of the week. That's amazing when you think that a month ago, he or she was the size of a grain of rice! I hate this he-or-she stuff, and I refuse to call my baby "it". Can't wait until we can call the baby by name! We have names pretty much set. We're sure about a boy's name, and just have a little more discussing to do to finalize a girl's name.

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