Thursday, December 1, 2005

Dumbest Father in the Class?

Yesterday during first grade lunch duty, I had to point my finger and say to a student, "Alyssa...SIT!". I immediately started laughing, wondering how many more times in my life I will say those words. :)

Today marks 27 weeks down, 13 or so to go. We have childbirth classes this Saturday and next. Jeff and I are both really excited. Jeff asked the other day "What if I'm the dumbest father in the class?" I assured him that he will definitely not be. He has been SO wonderful this whole time, wanting to learn about what is going on with Alyssa and with me, and (usually) listening to me spout off information even when he wasn't interested. He went to breastfeeding class without complaining, and he has gone to nearly every doctors appointment with me. I think he's a pretty well-educated father. And he takes such good care of me. He gave me constant back rubs for months when I was cramping so badly, and again now that my back is getting sore. He made a trip to the store for me last night because he insisted that I should be home resting instead of out in the cold, he does most of the housework, and he has helped me through all the hormonal mood swings. He got a book for expectant dads as a gift, and once in a while, he makes a comment about something he read. A couple months ago, the day I had my minor breakdown over gaining weight and not fitting into my clothes, he calmly assured me that "the book said this day would happen." :) It backfired for him last weekend, though. On Sunday, when he was in big trouble for throwing a temper tantrum when I took too long browsing the clearance sale at Big Lots (one of his least favorite places to be), he made a big show of rubbing my belly and talking to Alyssa when we got home. It was very sweet. But unfortunately, he immediately followed up with, "The book said I get brownie points for touching your belly!" He's an awesome husband and dad, but he is definitely still male. ;)

Our next appointment is Monday with the nurse practitioner. I really like her, but I'm a bit nervous about what she'll say, because she is the one who told me that I should gain less than 5 pounds during my whole pregnancy. (The doctor basically said that's silly. The baby alone weighs more than that!) I've gained 8 or 9 so far, and he says I'm doing great. After this appointment, I'll have some more bloodwork, and I'll start being seen every two weeks.

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