Friday, December 16, 2005

Healthy Girl

The ultrasound showed that Alyssa is very healthy and a perfect size. She's measuring about a week ahead, which is fine. The reason my uterus is measuring so far ahead is because I am carrying her up so high. It is not a problem at all. (In fact, it's sort of nice that she's not sitting on my bladder so hard anymore!) :) And Alyssa turned around head-down and then transverse (side to side) during the ultrasound, so we know that she can still turn herself around. She still likes to be breech a lot, but her position won't be an issue for another 4 or 5 weeks.

New pictures should be on the website and in the photo gallery. I LOVE her cute little cheeks. They look chubby to me after seeing her looking like a skeleton early on. :) And the ultrasound tech commented on her nice long legs just like Dr. Dungy-Poythress did. So Jeff and I are hoping that means that there are some taller genes in our family somewhere that just happened to pass us up. We also confirmed once again that Alyssa is most definitely a girl. Jeff was a little embarassed at that picture. She's getting so big that it almost looks inappropriate! I am totally comfortable now that we won't get any big surprises in the delivery room. :) Her heart rate was 156, and the weight estimate was 3lb6oz, which is very healthy but not huge. I think that's all of Alyssa's news for now.

As for me, I am very suddenly coming down with an especially miserable cold, and I'm hoping that I feel well enough to enjoy our VERY busy weekend ahead. We have two family Christmas get-togethers, plus church things, plus shopping, plus lots of cooking (but, thankfully for all of us, that last one is Jeff's department). :) Next time you see me, be sure to ask me about my first experience teaching Kindergarten! :)

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