Thursday, February 16, 2006

Still waiting...

We're still here and still waiting to meet Alyssa face to face. I was in a LOT of pain Tuesday night after having my membranes stripped, but it didn't quite start labor. We see the doctor again tomorrow. He'll check my blood pressure and cervix, and we'll have the NST to check on Alyssa. I had the highest blood pressure I have ever had earlier this afternoon, but it went down once I laid down on my left side for a few minutes. The nurse at the doctors office said that it shows how important it is to rest and stay "closer to bedrest". I'm SO glad that we didn't have this issue earlier on in the pregnancy, because I would be totally nuts if I had to lie around the house alone all day for weeks or months! Thankfully, my mom and stepmom have come out to visit me and take me out to lunch the last couple of days, so I haven't been bored yet.

Hopefully tomorrow's appointment will bring good news that Alyssa is healthy...and ready to come out! :)

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