Tuesday, February 7, 2006

Moving right along!

We had a great visit to the doctor today! I'm 1 centimeter dilated and 60-70% effaced. The doctor said that's far ahead of where most people are at this point. Alyssa is very low, and the doctor was touching her head, which was pretty cool (though a bit creepy to think about). :) The doctor also said that if it comes down to making decisions about timing for induction (though it looks like my body will probably do things on its own), he will use a due date of February 27th, which gets us in a few days earlier. And if I go into labor now, they won't try to stop it. Alyssa and I both look healthy. My blood pressure has been up and down and was a little high today, but when he had me lie down on my left side and checked it again, it was just fine.

I have heard lots of women describe the last month of pregnancy as miserable, but I didn't understand what they meant until now. I am extremely uncomfortable. I'm having lots of contractions that are very painful at times. It's getting very difficult to breathe, and the carpal tunnel syndrome due to swelling in my hands really hurts. Oh, and then there is the lack of sleep. And a squished bladder. And headaches, nausea, acid reflux, aches and pains...basically all normal symptoms but enough to make me REALLY eager to have Alyssa on the outside!

After the good news today that things are moving along, I am feeling much more positive about things. The contractions are well worth it if they are actually moving me closer to labor. I'm excited to finish packing our hospital bags and to put away the baby clothes I have washed. Now that there is an end to the pain in sight, I am able to focus more on the excitement of getting to see Alyssa's face soon!!!

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