Friday, March 10, 2006


We got a great report from Dr. Beach today. Alyssa now weighs 7lb 6 1/2 oz, which is awesome. She is still having some reflux problems (which she demonstrated by spitting up all over herself and Mommy as we were getting her undressed to weigh her), and the doctor could hear the reflux happening with the stethescope, but at least Alyssa is happier and gaining weight now. We might try a different kind of medicine if she continues to have problems.

Alyssa seems to get more beautiful every day! She is becoming more alert and spending more time looking around. She is always very fussy between about midnight and 1:00am, but other than that, she is sleeping fairly well.She still loves her bouncy seat, and she likes to hear the running water sound that her bassinet makes. (She sometimes wakes up just because the sound has stopped.) She also likes to have the TV in our bedroom on all night. She cries if we turn it off. (We hope she doesn't keep that habit up when she's old enough to actually watch the TV!) And if she naps in her own room, we actually have to leave the light on for her so she can sleep. I guess she has had enough of being in the dark after nine months all cooped up in the womb.

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