Friday, March 3, 2006

6 long nights!

After six nights of literally all-night crying (Alyssa and sometimes Mommy) and tummy problems, we took Alyssa back to the doctor today. As we suspected, the doctor said it sounds like she has reflux. She prescribed some medicine to try and said if it doesn't work, Alyssa will need to have an Upper GI barium x-ray on Monday. We're really hoping the medicine works! Alyssa has been spending a lot of time in her bouncy seat since it sits her upright and helps keep the acid down in her tummy. We hope that tonight will be more comfortable for all three of us!

Alyssa's weight is down to 6lb 14oz. It isn't a big concern since most babies don't regain their birth weight until 2 weeks of age, but it is a bit puzzling since she actually weighed more than birth weight on Monday. She'll have her weight checked again next week just to be sure it's headed in the right direction.

Speaking of weight...when I lose two more pounds, I'll be back to pre-pregnancy weight! I have lost 13 pounds in the last 4 days alone. (I think most of it was water in my feet!)

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