Sunday, November 13, 2005

Getting closer

I ended up with a sinus infection this week but am doing better now. Alyssa got to experience her first "drug high" when I had to use my asthma inhaler Wednesday. I thought the poor girl was going to jump right out through my belly button! :) But thankfully she didn't, and we're both feeling better now.

Our doctors appointment went very well. It was fairly uneventful, which is what we hope for. After going for almost three months without gaining any weight, I gained three pounds in two weeks, which seemed like a lot to me, but the doctor said I'm doing great. Besides, I am still blaming part of it on the heavy shoes I was wearing. :) I got my official information sheet on pre-term labor, which is comforting in an odd way because it's a reminder that Alyssa is old enough to probably survive on her own now. (We're certainly praying that she stays put for a few more months, but it's nice to know that she is getting so big and strong.) The doctor sent some labwork away to make sure that my ten-minute bladder capacity is because of Alyssa sitting on my bladder and not because of a bladder infection. Since I haven't heard anything from his office about the results, I have a feeling that I had better get used to staying close to the bathroom for a while. :)

Jeff is really excited for Alyssa to come so he can see her. He is getting nervous about having a baby. He is already practicing his breathing techniques (just like Bill Cosby) for labor coaching. :) By the time we go to our childbrith classes in a few weeks, Jeff will probably be able to teach the class. :)

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