Friday, September 5, 2008

Adventures in Potty Training

I thought Alyssa would be 12 by the time she decided to start potty training. She has been deathly afraid of sitting on the potty chair for months. But what self-respecting 2-year-old girl could resist the allure of brand new, flashy, brightly-colored Dora underpants with little ruffles at the waistband? So the day after Meijer's big Fruit of the Loom sale, off we went into the frightening but very exciting world pf potty training.

For Alyssa, wearing "big girl pants" is her sole motivation. The rule is that if she doesn't sit on the potty, then she has to wear a diaper. And it has worked beautifully! In less than 2 weeks, she is now accident-free most days and even keeps her diaper dry at naps more often than not! We're still not totally on top of the poop issue, and we haven't been brave enough to let her wear the big girl pants out in public yet, but we're well on our way! She even asked to go potty at Outback Steakhouse with no prompting at all last week.

As I'm sure he will do many times in his life, John is trying to follow in big sister's footsteps. John immediately took an interest in the potty chair too, and he has gone in it several times, though he is clearly not ready for actual potty training. But he demands to use the potty all the time, and he SCREAMS if I deny him this special privilege. This has led to much violence between the kids, as we only have one potty chair, and when you add in the fact that Jacob (one of my bonus kids) is also recently potty trained, there is often lots of conflict over whose turn it is, and I often feel like I spend half the day in the bathroom. So I let Alyssa pick out another potty online. She insisted on a pink potty for her, and she agreed that John and Jacob could have the blue potty that we already had. The pink potty arrived this week, and the kids couldn't be happier! These pictures of Alyssa and Jacob from this morning are just too cute for words!!!

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