Thursday, January 15, 2009

Little Mommy

Alyssa loves taking care of the little kids, and she always looks out for John. This morning, Alyssa came in my room and woke me up while I was still in snooze-button mode. I got up and made her some toast and chocolate milk, and then I got in the shower. A few minutes later, who should appear in the bathroom doorway but Alyssa...AND John. John sleeps in a toddler bed now, but he doesn't know how to open doors yet, so obviously Alyssa had gone in to get him up all by herself. They were happy, so I finished my shower. By the time I got out, John had a sippy cup of water (Alyssa must have retrieved it from his bedroom for him) and some crackers which Alyssa had gotten from the package on the kitchen counter. It was so sweet, and Alyssa and John were both so proud of themselves for their accomplishments.